Do you have a method for determining how many Eco-Blox or Gallons of water storage are needed for a system with a pump that delivers 5000 gallons per hour to a pond-free water fall/feature system?
Hi Steve! It’s not about the pump size, it’s all about the quantity of water that has to be pulled from the reservoir to get the system recirculating. We have this all written out at the back of the Catalog here.

Take the average width and the maximum length of your stream and multiply by an assumed depth needed to get things flowing. That gives you the volume you need to pull from the reservoir. The reservoir should hold at least three times as much, so you only drop the water level inside by a third when you start up the system. Read more about this on page 151.
W x L x .25 = Transitional Volume in cubic feet x 3 = Volume in reservoir / 4.3 cu.ft. per Eco-Blox = number of blocks
That should get you going. Don’t forget to figure out the Total Dynamic Head of your system – the TT5000 only delivers 5000gph at 1’; of head, you probably have more like 5’ of head. The calculator is a simple 3 step process in the catalog. You’ll know exactly what the pump will deliver when you know the total work it needs to do.
Find the Total Dynamic Head of any system with the TDH calculator on Catalog page 154. You can read more about Total Dynamic Head, friction and flow in Demi’s article in POND Trade Magazine here: Flow, Friction and Total Dynamic Head: A Pump and Plumbing Primer for Ponds

Have a question about building a water feature? Send it in to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to answer it!
About the Author:

Demi has been in water garden construction since 1986. As Atlantic’s Director of Product Information, if he’s not building water features, he’s writing or talking about them. If you have a design or construction question, he’s the one to ask.