Lake Therapy Products
- Item: 94774
- Size: 50 lbs.
- Dosage: 450 pounds treats 1 acre. 50 pound bag treats 4,882 square feet or 0.11 acre
- Application: This product can be applied dry or in a slurry (preferred application). Product should be applied evenly to the surface of the body of water.
- Please Note: OASE Professional Lake Therapy products are only available through OASE Professional Authorized Resellers. Please contact us at 330-286-6519 for more information.
THE SOLUTION TO YOUR ORGANIC SEDIMENT AND RELATED PHOSPHORUS ISSUES. Over time, sludge builds up and stores nutrients, such as phosphorus, increasing the risk for water quality issues. SchlixX is an industry game changer, as it promotes the digestion of organic sediment build up on the bottom of lakes and ponds by releasing oxygen for up to 6 weeks, while simultaneously binding any release of phosphorus. This slow continued release provides superior downward penetration into the bottom sediment, further improving sludge digestion over the long term, as compared to other traditional solutions. SPECIAL PROPERTIES: If you are looking for a premium offering that includes a proprietary strain of bacteria to supercharge the sludge reduction process, consider our pharmaceutical grade SchlixX Plus.